Yes, it goes on and on my friends.....
First, we begin with Chris' school Christmas program. Not a lot to look at since they just sang a couple of songs that had hand motions. But they DID recite Luke 2:1-14. Very impressive! They were dressed like farmers because the program that 2nd - 4th grade put on was "Christmas in the Country" and I guess they were supposed to coordinate.

Chris is playing basketball this winter through the Upward program at the church down the street. So far he's liking it. They haven't played any games yet; they'll start late January.

The tree is decorated!! We have Christmas spirit! Emily must show her belly!

Christmas Eve, just before church. Wait -- is Emily grabbing herself?! Don't look! Sadly, these are the best pictures of
many. I don't know if I should laugh or cry....

Again, you don't want to see the
bad pictures....

Chris is reading his letter from Santa. This is the first year that he's really gotten into it -- he drew Santa a picture and wrote the cutest letter to him.

Stocking pictures.

Presents from Mom and Dad...

Christmas dinner with the Kettlers.

Kettler Christmas Chaos.

Dorkus and Doofus.
Just kidding. Handsome man #1 and Gentleman #2.

Occupied children. There is no sweeter sight.

More presents from the out-of-towners, e.g. Grammy and Pop and crew.

Yippee! Chris got a drum pad! It's so noisy!! Yippee!

Emily is excited about her purse from Grandma Anderson!

A project for Chris and Pop.

Satisfied smiles.

So many presents, so little time...



A Christmas rock concert.

Showing off the new BB gun with Pop. The grown-up version is Bobby's gift from his Dad and Chris' got the official Red Ryder from Pop.

New Year's Eve. Everyone is taking a break from the Pictionary marathon. Scott is clearly saying something captivating.

New Year's Eve kiddos.

Giggly sleepy Jenny. A self-portrait.

Chris is now displaying his sniper skills....
as long as his target is not more than 10 feet away, that is.


You'll shoot yer eye out!