Monday, November 13, 2006

What a Weekend

We had a pretty great weekend this past weekend. Bobby's birthday was on Thursday. Since he works on base, and they had Friday off for Veteran's Day, he went ahead and took Thursday as a vacation day. It was awesome.
The kids were at school, so we had 5 whole hours all to ourselves. We just did some running around town - went to a music store, the new huge library downtown, and ate lunch out. Then we came home and watched Lucky Number Slevin. I thought it was really good - I like suspense movies a lot.
The timing was perfect. As soon as the movie was over, it was time to go get the kids. Then we ran to Walmart to pick up the "guitar" birthday cake. We met the rest of the family at Olive Garden (Bobby's favorite restaurant) and then all came back to the house for cake and ice cream.
Friday was a real nothing day. Sleeping in and hanging around the house, playing. We started working on our new hobby/side "business". (I'll tell more later.)
Saturday was pretty much the same - just more running around town. This time with the kids. Then went to our favorite 5:30 church service.
After church, we came back home and changed clothes and Bobby and I went to Steve's karaoke bar while the local grandparents stayed with the kiddos. Bobby played his guitar and sang 2 songs in front of the audience. He did really well, but the sound system is new and there were some feedback issues. Then after a couple of margaritas and much pleading, Steve and Bobby convinced me to sing for the very first time at a karaoke bar. I did awful, but it was fun.
Sunday was another lazy sweatpants day. We played in the back yard with the kids and watched MI3. It was better than I expected.
Typing it all out, just now, it doesn't seem like anything special. But this long weekend with my favorite people was the perfect amount of "out" time and "in home" time. It was an awesome weekend. :)

1 comment:

sara said...

i had to highlight your text to read blends right in with your background!!!

sounds like you had the PERFECT weekend!!! and karaoke???? what song did you sing? i'm proud of you, i'm not brave enough to do that!!!

can't wait to hear about your new business idea.....

thursday is looking like the best day this week to get together....we have from 4pm until 530pm or so free, or wednesday after school works too.....let me know. OR....if you guys want to come to bulldog beat on friday it starts at 9am.