Friday, August 22, 2008

School Days

Early morning, before school (7:30am).
"Give me a BIG smile."

"Uh, not that big."

hmmm... maybe if I tell a joke....

Okay, I guess that'll be good enough.

Note that I didn't take any pictures at school. I knew well enough to not even take the camera. Those smiles above were taken during a teeny tiny break from crying. Edited to add: The crying was entirely on Emily's part. I was marveling to my Mom on the phone that at the ripe old age of 6, and in 1st grade, school is already old news to Chris. Been there, done that.
After school, howeve, the smiles were plentiful and generously given. The lollipop and bribe, er reward, (see below) helped a little.


We've been slightly damp around here lately. Now I have a little garden of these guys.

Chris was horrified by them, though, and set out on a search and destroy misssion.

Make that search, destroy and dispose.

The "hooray, you're back in school!" gifts.

My school is rapidly approaching; the evidence is everywhere.

My hilarious sister-in-law gave this to me this summer.
Now I can tell people that I'm truly a dedicated nurse, because I carry a stool sample around with me.

Hee hee.

For my Mom: Shorter and Blonder

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, the pics are great...but the more I see, the more I want!! I love the school pics, and that Chris is tooo cute with his mushroom-dispatching shovel! Consider yourselves HUGGED!! Love, Mom