Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"Little Sprouts"

I hate, hate, HATE leaving my babies with people who don't know them or care about them. They're just another "kid" in the crowd. Sob.

I'll just torture myself with a couple of pictures. :)

1 comment:

sara said...

so did the kids enjoy little sprouts this week??? what did you do with your free time??? and i'm super sad about janelle getting kicked off BB7 but she did really great & i bet she wins america's choice for the 25k!!!! are you still rooting for boogie??? i don't care who wins at this point because i don't like either of the final two.

about allie with her letters.....we only work on them every other day or so. she really isn't into learning like davey, so i don't push it on her. we have davey's old fridge magnet letters in a big ziploc baggie and i dump them out and the ones she gets right she keeps and plays with them and the ones she doesn't know yet go back in the bag. i tell her what the letter is and what sound it makes and next time we work on them she remembers a few more!!!! sometimes she just is bored with it so we quit almost as soon as we start, but other times she will bring the baggie to me.....pick a letter (i'd suggest C since his name starts with C) and just point it out everywhere you see it and soon he'll be showing it to you everywhere and then it just goes from there. once he realizes that he's learning them, you won't be able to stop him!!!!! =)

do you want to get together sometime in the coming week??? i am not babysitting again until the middle of october......do you want to walk mabye on tuesday??? let me know.....ttys, sara